Hi again, my followers... Should I talk again about History? I think History's the learning book of mankind... You surely know that sentence: Those who can't remember history are condemned to repeat it again... And believe me, there's a lot of things we don't want to experience again! Crusades, Black Death (Mmm... Maybe I'll talk someday about this nice plague), World Wars, etc. So, pay attention to that book!
But today... Ah! Today's a very special day indeed! Because 701 years ago, an overambitious French king decided to erradicate this very famous military order: The Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici, or simply, the Templar Knights. They have such name because of their first headquarters in Jerusalem, the Temple of Salomon. And, pay attention, Dan Brown fans! Some people think they found a treasure buried inside that Temple, which was the source of their economic power... But let's focus on their last days...
So, that 13th October, King Phillip IV of France in collaboration with the Pope Clement V (very close to French interests) gave the order to arrest every single Templar Knight in France, in order to judge them. They were accused of being sodomists, heretics, of spitting to the Cross, adoring Baphomet... But... Were they like that? Or, simply, Phillip IV didn't want to pay them back for all the money they've lent him? Because Templar Knights were very rich, maybe because of that treasure they had, which, by the way, was never found and vanished like tears in the rain (Mmm... I've seen "Blade Runner" this weekend)... so, money's behind all this thing... again.
Even if some Templars escaped this hunting (some of them went to Portugal), the great majority of them were burned at the stake. The last Templar Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, was burnt alive just in front of the gates of Notre Dame Cathedral, in Paris, on 18th March 1314, after spending 7 long years in jail... He, who had confessed under torture, retracted his statement at the very last moment, insisting on his innocence... He only asked for one thing: being tied in such a way he could face the Cathedral, and hold his hands in prayer. And, in a dramatic way, he called out from the flames that both Pope Clement and King Philip would soon meet him. Not a year had passed and both of them were dead. Coincidence?
So, Hail them! Templars, I mean... History has this beloved characters which may have been murderers in the past... But they have this "aura" that can make them look like saints! Just like Caravaggio... Maybe I'll look like that in the future... Because it seems people don't forget me... and that's nice... indeed!
But today... Ah! Today's a very special day indeed! Because 701 years ago, an overambitious French king decided to erradicate this very famous military order: The Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici, or simply, the Templar Knights. They have such name because of their first headquarters in Jerusalem, the Temple of Salomon. And, pay attention, Dan Brown fans! Some people think they found a treasure buried inside that Temple, which was the source of their economic power... But let's focus on their last days...
So, that 13th October, King Phillip IV of France in collaboration with the Pope Clement V (very close to French interests) gave the order to arrest every single Templar Knight in France, in order to judge them. They were accused of being sodomists, heretics, of spitting to the Cross, adoring Baphomet... But... Were they like that? Or, simply, Phillip IV didn't want to pay them back for all the money they've lent him? Because Templar Knights were very rich, maybe because of that treasure they had, which, by the way, was never found and vanished like tears in the rain (Mmm... I've seen "Blade Runner" this weekend)... so, money's behind all this thing... again.
Even if some Templars escaped this hunting (some of them went to Portugal), the great majority of them were burned at the stake. The last Templar Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, was burnt alive just in front of the gates of Notre Dame Cathedral, in Paris, on 18th March 1314, after spending 7 long years in jail... He, who had confessed under torture, retracted his statement at the very last moment, insisting on his innocence... He only asked for one thing: being tied in such a way he could face the Cathedral, and hold his hands in prayer. And, in a dramatic way, he called out from the flames that both Pope Clement and King Philip would soon meet him. Not a year had passed and both of them were dead. Coincidence?
So, Hail them! Templars, I mean... History has this beloved characters which may have been murderers in the past... But they have this "aura" that can make them look like saints! Just like Caravaggio... Maybe I'll look like that in the future... Because it seems people don't forget me... and that's nice... indeed!

This is the Templar Seal, showing two knights (perhaps Hugues de Payens and Godfrey de Saint-Omer, two of the nine founders of the Order) riding the same horse... Contemporary legend held that the symbol represented the initial poverty of the order; that they could afford only a single horse for every two men. But I guess this is not true, because you had to be kinda rich to join the Templar Order...
Let me tell you my dear little friend that a quick link to the wikipedia would be as useful as that, and it would save me a lot of trivia.
Once again you seem to feel sorry for natural things such as the Black Death and the several crusades. An artist an beauty lover like you!!!
You such told me that death could be artistic too... Right.
Every time I am more and more disappointed.
Some more food for your ego!
And that's because of the futility of some deaths...
How should Leonardo Da Vinci feel when looking at some modern artist paints? They are crap, but they also reivindicate themselves as artists... So, what's art?
Maybe "Holiday in Cambodia", that Dead Kennedys song? I like it, indeed...
Wow! I'm impressed, both, at the content and at the language.
Interesting and rich stories those of the Templar Knights who, as far as I know, were more honest than those governing France or the Catholic Church at the moment and who were interested in their disappearance. Those who like power seem to be afraid of truth.
Concerning the language I have only detected a few agreement mistakes that you seem to be fond of (watch these!) and a couple more.
I'll copy them below and I'm sure you can solve them because I've already corrected similar ones:
-there's a lot of things (agreement)
-for all the money they've lent him? (Wrong verb tense)
-History has this beloved characters (agreement)
-kinda (acceptable only for oral speech)
how how!
I think you are amazing, all you write is interesting, and remember we are what we write (I have invented it now), so it's not difficult to conclude you are an interesting person
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