But this is not the point now... Long weekend! Why? Why are we so lucky to have holidays on december? Because it's the Spanish Constitution's birthday! And polititians let us go skiing, shopping and even visiting some forbidden buildings for us the rest of the year, like the Senate or the Congress Palace... Ha! That building we really OWN, according to that paper called Spanish Constitution, the one they use to blow their noses...
Let's face it: Democracy sucks. And now is when one of you (or maybe all of you) replies saying it's not so bad... at least is better than a dictatorship! And of course it is, but that doesn't make democracy the greatest thing since bread came sliced...
Polititians lie, steal, conspire, missappropriate (another way of stealing...)... do everything to keep their asses comfortable in their seats... They don't want us! They don't need us! Only every four years they need us to perpetuate their status quo... And that's when democracy becomes funny! Polititians can smile! And joke! They talk with people and listen to their problems, trying to look concerned about them... They promise a lot of things, and they even dress like idiots, because they think that makes them look closer to us!
And the worst thing is... Some people really believe them! Some people even vote for one or another party just because of the way the candidate looks: "Oh, he/she looks friendly, I'll vote for him/her!"... which is the same as: "Oh! he/she is blonde, I'll vote for him/her!". But well... What can you expect of this country? You only have to turn on the TV to realise this is a country plenty of dumbs! And polititians know which country govern, and how to do it... They've learnt the game, and they're playing it... and enjoying it!
That's why I'm so happy Obama's the new President of the United States! Because it looks like we've been witnesses of the birth of the new Messiah... and I don't really think so... Some people here in Spain even think he's left-winged!!! Please! That's very funny indeed! Let's see how this guy acts...
So, God save the Constitution! Because this is a country where some people can drive cars of 80.000€, but others can't eat properly every day because of not having money! God save the Constitution, because people can't get a place for living (even if it's a constitutional right) and banks receive millions of euros from the government! God save the Constitution, because in this country commiting a crime is very cheap, and some prisons have swimming pools! God save this Constitution, indeed! But... What do I know! You're the real Spanish people, and I'm only a British citizen... We don't have even a Constitution!
I guess this quotation summarizes all my thoughts about democracy:
"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance."
H.L. Mencken
My Dear Jack,
I a little bit disagree with you, I know that politician sometimes lie, steal, conspire…. and I don’t expect that everything in the democratic system go great, but I think the problem is that we need more laws for the regulation of the institutions, and it’s not fair to say that everybody are cast in the same mold.
It sounds a bit bitter for a young person like you!
You British do not have a written constituion but the laws and uses you follow to govern yourself are more conservative and classist than the laws of some dictatorships.
I have to say that some of your toughts are right but Britain is no example to show to the others....
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