But I did... And I remember clearly that night... 14th of April, 1912... So peaceful, so dark... So difficult to foresee... Those lights in the distance, like an entire city coming my way... Me, floating unrelenting towards our rendezvous. And then, in a blink, that creepy sound... Iron bending and twisting... almost screaming... water flowing... And suddenly, people screaming, bells, flares... panic! People immersing theirselves in the ocean, to not come up again, distant prayers... I guess I also heard the song "Nearer, my God to thee", but I'm not really sure... But, quite appropriate, isn't it? And then, lights disappeared, and only sound remained... It took some time, but the lightful city finally disappeared in the sea... and only the screams remaind, crying for help... But a lot of people didn't get help and died there, frozen... floating without course... just like me... But I don't feel bad about that... After all... I'm just an iceberg! Maybe this iceberg:
This is just another way of telling that, that 15th of April, 1912, the most famous ship of all times, the Titanic, sank after hitting an iceberg. 1.517 people died that night, only 706 survived... Nowadays, there's only one alive survivor of the Titanic, Millvina Dean, but she was only two months old at the time of the sinking, so I don't think she remembers nothing about it... But it's nice we do remember about it, don't you think?
Excellent piece! So well written!
-People immersing theMselves... (0) not TO come up again,
-and AN only sound remained...
-that ON 15th of April, 1912,
-I don't think she remembers ANYthing about it...
Oh, I don't have words. I have never been told Titanic's story from the point of view of an iceberg! Thank you because the more stories you are told, the reacher you are, and I'll never say an iceberg hasn't told me anything again!
Do an inceberg have an opinion about what is art? Perhaps that's different from the point of a human being! Please come to somesketch and let me know! Thanks again, Jack!
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