For her and her family, the journey began by chance. They had booked tickets to another White Star ship, but because of a coal strike, they were transfered to the Titanic...
At 11:40 PM, that 14th of April 1912, baby Millvina was asleep in her cot when her father heard a crash, woke the family and told them to dress warmly.
"It was so dreadful for my mother," Millvina later recalled. "It was heartbreaking. "She said goodbye to my father and he said he'd be along later." Millvina Dean said her father's quick actions had saved his family. He had felt the ship scrape the iceberg and hustled the family out of its room and towards the lifeboat that would take them to safety. "That's partly what saved us – because he was so quick," she explained.
A sailor bundled her into a sack and put her into lifeboat 13, which was lowered into the freezing Atlantic. It was a cold night, but after several hours Millvina, her mother Ettie, and brother Bertram were picked up by the Carpathia.
The surviving Deans returned to England aboard the liner Adriatic, Millvina being the object of some astonishment that such a tiny baby should have made it to safety. First and second class passengers on Adriatic queued to hold her, and many took photographs of her, her mother and brother, some of which accompanied breathless stories in the newspapers.
The Daily Mirror, for example, reported that Millvina "was the pet of the liner during the voyage, and so keen was the rivalry between women to nurse this lovable mite of humanity that one of the officers decreed that first and second class passengers might hold her in turn for no more than 10 minutes".
So, Requiescat in Pace, Millvina...
1 comment:
That's so true! The best way to know the history is to talk to whom has lived it, although it will be a biased vision! But I was told that history can not be written while somebody who had lived it is still alive.
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