Thursday, October 9, 2008

Interesting Quotation...

Today, somebody very close to me has told me these:

"I'd give all that I know just to get the half that I do not know"

I think it's simply brilliant! We may think we're growing in wiseness, but there's always something to learn... So, beloved readers, you should follow this rule: The wise man shuts up, the silly one talks, and the idiot yells... Listen, and if you're discussing some things pay attention to those who don't talk too much... maybe they're holding the key for your answers...

And by the way, that quotation... it wasn't said by a philosopher... it was said by a singer, Joan Manuel Serrat... So, your wise man can be hidden somewhere! Keep searching...

1 comment:

Nuria Vidal said...

YOU must be a philosopher SHARING such engaging thoughts...

On language:
-growing in wisDOM